It is agreed that you shall defend, indemnify, and hold URBAN-ERT SLINGS, LLC, its owners, and beneficiaries harmless for any and all injuries, damages, liability, or cause of action that may result from the use of any and all item(s) you purchase from URBAN-ERT SLINGS, LLC, its owners, and or beneficiaries. You shall be responsible for and shall defend, indemnify, and hold URBAN-ERT SLINGS, LLC, its owners, and or beneficiaries harmless from any and all claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, or liability of any kind in any way relating to or caused by any and all item(s) you purchase from URBAN-ERT SLINGS, LLC, its owners, and or beneficiaries.
In summary, we can not control what you do with the products that you purchase from URBAN-ERT SLINGS, LLC, its owners, and or beneficiaries, and since the products that we sell are firearm industry related, there is always a risk in handling firearms and the products used for or with or attached to firearms, and it is ultimately up to you and those that you have around you when using these products to practice and exercise caution and use common sense safety measures to prevent injury and or death. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are safe and using our products safely.
Warranty is that on the products that we manufacture and then sell, they are guaranteed for life, no questions asked as long as it is a part that is defective. If the hardware breaks because you slammed it in the car door or because it got caught on a fence when you were climbing over it and got caught up on the sling and had to cut your way out, or had to intentionally break the hardware, ship it back and we will replace or repair the hardware or affected webbing. If you intentionally take a pair of scissors to the webbing just to get a new sling, that's not covered obviously. If the life of the elastic expires which is typically about 10 years, that is not covered on bandoleers, but on a sling, send it back and we will put new elastic on the sling. Normal wear and tear or fading is not damage obviously. Just use common sense, and send us photos with your story to get the ball rolling.