Positive retention strap - gets the job done
There are a lot of slings out there, many from big name companies...but when I'm dealing with something other than an AR-15 (with its limitless accessory options), Urban E.R.T. always fills the bill. Simply put, you're going to find a solution for just about everything with this sling. I recently picked up a rifle with a standard fixed stock and the only solution I could find was the Positive Retention Strap. There's nothing fancy about this thing...it just gets the job done for firearms that don't offer any good sling options (or you don't want to resort to drilling). You can attach the adapter facing in one direction or the other...just find the way that doesn't get in your way when you mount the firearm. The Velcro pad keeps the adapter on the firearm so you can just plug/unplug the sling and leave the adapter on. I wish Urban E.R.T luck...there's a lot of competition out there. I thank them for enduring the woes of inventory to make these choices available to us. God bless free market Capitalism.