RMA Defense Level IV Stand Alone Muti-Hit Rifle Plates #1155
***THE PRICE IS FOR ONE PLATE EACH*** If you can add them to your cart they are in stock!!! :)
The shipping is fixed per plate to $16.00(Per Plate) due to the weight an size of the plates as well as the insurance on shipping.
RMA's Level IV (model #1155) single-curve ballistic rifle plates are designed to withstand rugged usage while not compromising the ballistic integrity of the plate. The Model 1155 Level IV is multi-hit .30-06 M2AP tested by an NIJ certified laboratory and can defeat mutiple M2AP rounds.
Don't take shrapnel to the face with the AR500 steel plates. These plates are the best on the market!!
RMA is the most sought after brand of armor plates by law enforcement officers in the United States. We've proven to be the strongest, top engineered, and most efficient manufacturer in the country. Nobody else comes close. Owned and operated by a former police officer and US Marine who has worn armor in two careers and knows what you need.
RMA would like to offer our customers a cost effective product that offers excellent NIJ.06 Level IV protection. RMA offers you model number 1155 available for purchase. Professionally wrapped, water resistant, and manufactured 100% at RMA's factory in Centerville, Iowa.
- Details
- Low Cost
- 10"x12" Stand Alone
- Single-Curve, SAPI/ESAPI-Cut
- 7.7 lbs. (3.49 kg)
- Thickness: 1"
- Monolithic Ceramic & Polyethylene
- 600 Denier Water Resistant Cover
- NIJ 0101.06 Certification Pending
- Made in Centerville, IA - USA